IPL (intense pulsed light) photofacial

IPL Facial Cambridge

Light energy is used during this treatment to target a specific color in your skin and eliminate unwanted cells. An IPL device will send out more than one wavelength of pulsating light so several skin conditions can be treated simultaneously. In addition to a more even skin tone, you will also look younger once your treatment is complete, and our team consists of certified professionals, so you can have peace of mind knowing your skin is in good hands.

We are experts in the beauty industry and have years of experience with IPL treatment which can lessen or get rid of stretch marks, spider veins, acne, birthmarks, age spots, fine wrinkles, dark spots, and redness from rosacea, just to name a few examples. We will discuss your needs and expectations to determine whether or not you are a suitable candidate for this treatment and will provide you with details so that you can make informed decisions regarding your skin.

IPL photo facials will provide most patients with significant results because it is a powerful and effective way to even out skin pigmentation while reducing redness, discoloration, and dark spots. Little to no downtime is required, and this treatment has many benefits, which are ideal for both men and women. It can minimize persistent redness, a common concern for many, and you will be able to return to your daily activities soon after your session. Some patients may experience minor redness, although this will disappear quite quickly. Sunscreen must be applied after treatment because the intense light can cause your skin to be sensitive to sun exposure.

The treatment is quick, and sessions generally take about 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the area you wish to treat. Results are long-lasting so that you will enjoy clear and evenly pigmented skin for many years after an entire series of treatments.

If you have questions regarding IPL photofacials or need more information, do not hesitate to call us. We specialize in several areas, including microneedling, facials, and Botox, and have been serving clients in Cambridge for years. Contact us today to find out more!

Face – $330.00  plus tax
Face – Package of 3 – $800.00  plus tax

Face & Neck- $380.00  plus tax
Face & Neck  – Package of 3 – $999.00  plus tax

Face, Neck & Decollete – $430.00  plus tax
Face, Neck & Decollete- Package of 3 – $1150.00  plus tax

Spot Treatment – $200.00  plus tax
Spot Treatment – Package of 3 – $480.00  plus tax

IPL Photo facials Cambridge
IPL Photofacial Service